Sustainability initiatives in VELUX France

Since early 2021, the South region has produced a newsletter dedicated to sustainable development actions. The idea is to highlight actions to achieve the 15 objectives of our Sustainable Strategy 2030, share local initiatives, inspire and act together to move forward.

At VELUX-France, a project group has been formed to discuss topics related to sustainable development. The 11 participants have a particular interest in sustainability with a real desire to act. The objective is to bring everyone’s knowledge and experience to the table in order to build together a better company. A Sustainable Development area has also been created on VELUX One local to monitor actions including an idea box to collect suggestions.

Here is an overview of other initiatives implemented at VELUX France:


For a few months now, VELUX France has been sponsoring beehives from a beekeeper located in Le Berry, a region of France. We are proud to be able to contribute to the preservation of bees that are essential to the survival of humanity. We organised a honey sale for Morangis employees, in the presence of the beekeeper. In addition to enjoying the delicious honey, the employees helped support a good cause as the money collected was donated to an association who supports young adults with serious diseases.

One window One tree

The idea of the South-West of France sales team is simple but effectful: For any VELUX window installed in a school, 1 tree is planted in the yard. A great commitment to the planet that will brighten up the school yard for the pleasure of children and teachers.

Waste sorting

At Morangis headquarters, many actions are implemented to reduce our impact on the environment with the sorting and recycling of waste.

Acting sustainably has saved the equivalent of an energy consumption of 2 people in France for 1 year and preserved 11 trees.

In 2021 we collected

0 KG

Cups and bottles

0 KG

Paper and paperboard

0 KG

Bottle caps

0 KG


Valuation of cigarette butts

At V-F's head office, the Facilities department are experimenting with a partnership with the French company Cy-clope, who has developed a system to collect cigarette butts, process them and transform them into powder used as energy fuel to replace the use of raw materials. 100% of the cigarette butts at the office are recovered and no residue remains.


Recycling of after-sales service waste

After-sales service technicians sort and recycle VELUX product waste after their visits to construction sites. It starts with sorting on the logistic platform. Every weekend, they go to the garbage dump to throw away plastic, paper (installation instructions), cardboard and metals. As for batteries for solar products, a partnership with a company makes it possible to recover and recycle them. With willpower, organisation and nearby collection points, recycling becomes simple.